LIAM Autistic Project Historical meeting at the Terra Nova Hotel
(L-R) Frances Fulton (American Friends of Jamaica), Dr. Grace McLean (Ministry of Education), Richard Phillips (LIAM Project co-founder), Dr. Asburn Pinnock (Mico University College) not able to attend was Susan Moore (Food For The Poor)
Thank you for making Jamaica - possibly the first developing country to make basic Autism and Special Needs a required training for all student teachers. The agreement will furnish about 1,000 student teachers annually with basic training for Autistic and spectra needs.
Dr. Avril Daley
We want to first thank Robert Levy and Jamaica Broilers for their contribution. The Canadian Jamaican Medical Assistance Society with the keen support of Dr. Ronald Wong and Pearl Tingle. Dr. Avril Daley from Mico University College for her heart of passion for the children sometimes considered the “least” in our country.
Dr. Meredith Ministry of Education
The concept was first developed in August 2011 at a meeting with the, then Minister of Education; Andrew Holness. The meeting was set up in part by a providential meeting with Patricia Holness the then Register General of Jamaica. Minister Holness eagerly encouraged Richard Phillips to pursue a bold approach to reaching the somewhat marginalized population. Richard worked with Dr. Michelle Meredith to design a solution with the Ministry of Education. Dr. Meredith’s faithful dedication needs to be noted.